
Infor & CalcuQuote

Reinventing supply chain

Why CalcuQuote?

Trusted by 250+ electronics manufacturers globally

Industry expertise

CalcuQuote works with over 250 electronics manufacturers to solve complex problems with industry leading solutions.

Service first

Everyone at CalcuQuote is responsible for customer service, and it shows! Our thousands of users get the most responsive customer experience.

Future focused

We are not content with incremental solutions. Our vision extends further to see solutions for problems yet to be defined.

Process oriented

CalcuQuote solutions begin by understanding the user’s process. Technology just gets you wherever you were heading faster. So we start by making sure that is where you want to go.

Proven success

Over the past eight years, CalcuQuote has grown to a globally recognized solution for electronics supply chain processes. Our quoting and purchasing softwares are used by 250+ companies across 30+ countries.

This is only the start…

CalcuQuote is part of the Elisa group of companies, investing in the next generation of Industry 4.0 solutions to manufacturers across the globe.

Electronics Supply Chain Solutions


QuoteCQ is an end-to-end request for quote management system that improves the speed, accuracy and efficiency of your Request For Quote (RFQ) process. QuoteCQ lets you quote faster and more accurately so you can be more responsive to customers.


ShopCQ is a smart supply chain management system. Through ShopCQ, manufacturers can automate parts of the purchasing process to focus more on what matters. From demand to delivery, ShopCQ reduces cycle time, increases efficiency, and creates the seamless sharing of relevant data, allowing purchasing departments to focus on what matters.


BidCQ was built for EMS suppliers to interact with manufacturers. Included with QuoteCQ and ShopCQ, BidCQ is an easy-to-use bid sheet management system. BidCQ is a free system for suppliers to collaborate easily with their EMS customers. BidCQ is an easy-to-use interface that allows you to send and receive bid sheets all in one place.


PortCQ allows you to create a marketplace between you and your customers, optimizing interactions with all of them. PortCQ is integrated with the CalcuQuote platform and allows you to easily move customers from RFQ to checkout in minutes.

CalcuQuote Solves Problems Across the Entire Supply Chain

Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)

250+ electronics manufacturers globally trust CalcuQuote to solve their supply chain problems. Whether you are struggling with quoting large BOMs, accurately estimating labor and overhead, finding parts, executing purchase orders or tracking performance of your supply chain processes, CalcuQuote can help.


Customers of electronics components are going online. CalcuQuote can help you digitize your customers’ experience, increase adoption of your existing API solutions and implement digital processes within your own sourcing organizations. Reduce the cost of transactions so you can focus on being a supply chain partner for your customers.

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

With our software solutions, EMS companies become more efficient in improving their RFQ generation process, which benefits OEM companies. Having fast responses from manufacturers allows equipment manufacturers to plan and forecast with more accuracy.

Software Developers

You want your users to have a seamlessly integrated experience between their existing systems, CalcuQuote ecosystem and supplier data sources. CalcuQuote can save you thousands of development hours so you can bring your solution live faster with less maintenance.

Take the Next Step

Speak with a BBTS team member today to gain a better understanding of how CalcuQuote and Infor Syteline/CloudSuite Industrial (CSI) could work for you. BBTS has implemented SyteLine successfully over 165 times since 2013 with a proven process that begins with improving inventory control, planning and forecasting, financial close, and other business processes. BBTS then standardizes these process best practices in SyteLine to ensure they are followed. BBTS also provides post-implementation SyteLine enhancements, upgrades, business process improvements, and workflow optimization.