New to ERP

Defining ERP

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems centralize finance, manufacturing, supply chain, operations, accounting, and HR creating ease of access that allows companies to focus on their core business with peace of mind.

Benefits of ERP

The purpose of ERP software is to improve efficiency by centralizing business processes and compiling data. This also makes key data readily available to generate meaningful reports used to find potential opportunities and stop potential threats. Data entered by one user can be made available to other authorized personnel immediately across an entire business improving collaboration and communication.

ERP solutions have the power to drastically change business processes for the better. Changing a past business process from twenty clicks to three is just one example of how ERP systems can be utilized to save time and improve efficiency.

Our Approach to ERP

Many factors such as size and type of business factor into which solution will best suit your needs. BBTS understands what software solutions fit different situations.