Who We Serve

Equipment Rental ERP: Infor SyteLine/CSI

Rental and service organizations, equipment dealers, and OEMs increase margin and utilization with SyteLine equipment rental ERP

Rental specialists, equipment OEMs, dealers, and service organizations rely on Infor SyteLine ERP—also known as CloudSuite Industrial (CSI)—to help meet and exceed evolving customer expectations, ensure inventory availability, optimize lifecycle utilization, and overcome unforeseen challenges.

More specifically, here are five obstacles that SyteLine helps rental companies overcome when implemented by BBTS:

  1. Shifting Customer Expectations: meet customer demand for availability and reliability, which is increasingly dependent on using smart equipment, data capture, and analysis
  2. Availability & Utilization: rental inventory profitability is impacted by service and maintenance costs; limited spare parts inventory drives customers to competitors
  3. Supply Chain Complexity: a lack of visibility across multi-echelon supply chains creates integration complications, making it difficult to fulfill volatile demand patterns
  4. Lifecycle Profitability: maintaining inventory and margins throughout the inventory lifecycle presents wide-ranging challenges
  5. Circular Economy: rental companies need to meet demand for improved sustainability via remanufactured and used cores and components

SyteLine ERP Rental Case Studies

Rental Company Types Using SyteLine ERP

Construction Equipment

Construction, Agriculture & Mining Equipment


Industrial Equipment

Industrial Equipment


Material Handling

Material Handling


Transportation Equipment

Transportation Equipment


BBTS Rental Customizations for SyteLine

BBTS has developed the following SyteLine functionality specifically for rental companies:

Contract Billing

  • Ability to handle 28-day billing cycles (and 30-day billing cycles)
  • Recurring, automated monthly contract billing while inventory is out on rent
  • Custom price books with custom pricing by item/product code and product discounts
  • Wavier charges (insurance on rental inventory)
  • Integration with Avalara for complex sales/rental taxes by geographical location
  • Ability to “call off” a single item or a single line of a contract to end billing early and assign for pickup
  • Batch invoicing

Re-Rental Items

  • Ability to re-rent items from other rental companies and include in monthly contract billing
  • Ability to create POs for other rental companies and tie them to a rental agreement
  • Storage of re-rental items in the database with vendor information that can be used for future rental agreements


  • Ability to create liens and tie them back to the rental agreement


Ability to create contract surcharges for various services:

  • Fuel surcharges
  • Delivery charges
  • Pickup charges
  • Labor billing in association with delivery/pickup charges
  • Fees (permits)

Surcharges can be billed once or every bill cycle by surcharge line item, and surcharges by line can be billed on different bill cycles – for example, one surcharge line can be monthly billed on a 28-day cycle while another surcharge line can be billed on a 30-day cycle.

Dispatch Scheduling

  • Ability to dispatch rental contracts by truck(s) for pickup or delivery
  • Ability to track items to a particular delivery or pickup truck
  • Ability to split rental items or contract lines over multiple trucks if needed

Handheld Devices (tablets, phones, handheld scanners)

Can be used for inventory control for:

  • Scanning items out of inventory to a delivery vehicle
  • Serial and/or lot inventory control
  • Moving items within warehouse
  • Moving items between sites (for companies that have multiple physical locations)
  • Delivery acknowledgements

RNT Automation to Build Kits

  • Combine multiple items/products into a customized kit for a customer
  • Rent only the kit to reduce contract lines
  • Break out the kit when returned and return items/products back into inventory


SyteLine workbenches combine navigation forms, critical numbers, and DataViews to present information. Manager workbenches are accessible by managers, and regular workbenches are available to all users. The regular workbenches use the DataView style to present information. BBTS has developed the following custom workbenches:

  • CSR workbench
  • GM workbench
  • Operations manager workbench
  • Sales workbench

How to Get Started

Contact us to explore whether SyteLine may be the right equipment rental ERP system for you and whether a business process review is the right first step to a successful implementation of it.